Library Rules for Students
Materials can be checked out for 2 weeks and may be renewed twice for another two weeks. It is not necessary to bring materials back to the library to renew them, but students are responsible for remembering the due dates.
Students will receive an overdue notice from their homeroom teachers once a week. Students should then return materials, renew materials, or come see Miss Thornbery. If you receive more than 2 overdue slips, you will receive a detention.
Books circulate for 2 weeks. Fees for lost or damaged materials: books = price of book.
Students must report to Miss Thornbery and sign in. Library time is to be used for classroom-related work only!
There is NEVER to be food, drink, or gum without permission of Miss Thornbery.
At times, the library will be closed. Be sure to read the signs on the doors of the library.
Always check out materials. Never just take something!